Charleroi danse s’engage à produire, présenter et accompagner les œuvres de Louise Vanneste durant trois années, de 2017 à 2020.

Louise Vanneste

Each of Louise Vanneste’s pieces arises from a close interaction between the media – visual art, music, lighting and video – involved in the choreographic process. Together they form one and the same space-time. An integral part of this particular time and place, the body explores different mental and physical states. Through a process of depersonalisation and/or re-personalisation (inventing or effacing conventions concerning the body, the mental state and the relationship with the other), it is about apprehending the body as a space of experiences that intensifies the “here and now on stage”. The body or bodies and media therefore give rise to a different reality with elements that come from reality but which, when shifted, cause turmoil.Dance being essentially ephemeral, for the choreographer it is about crystallising the present moment, questioning in this way our relationship with memory, instinct, the stage presence and perception in general.


After training in classical dance, Louise Vanneste took a new direction towards contemporary dance, studying at P.A.R.T.S. A grant from the SPES Foundation (BE) allowed her then to continue her training in New York, notably within the Trisha Brown Dance Company. Since returning to Europe, she has been working on choreographies, favouring collaborations with artists from disciplines other than dance: Cédric Dambrain and Antoine Chessex for music, Stéphane Broc for video, visual artists and lighting designers Arnaud Gerniers and Benjamin van Thiel and the painter Stephan Balleux. Her work is presented in Belgium and abroad, at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, the Holland Festival (Netherlands), Augusti Tantsu Festival (Estonia), Pays de Danses (Liège), Bienal internacional de dança Do Ceara (Brazil), Festival International des Brigittines (Belgium), Fabbrica Europa (Italy), Romaeuropa (Italy) and Hong Kong’s Arts Gallery among others.

In June 2017, she will present her new creation Therians – a solo for two dancers, in the Festival Les Rencontres Internationales de Seines-Saint-Denis (Paris). This project opens a research period around dance and litterature, which will go on until 2019. Louise Vanneste regularly benefits from the support of the Federation-Wallonie-Brussels/ conseil de la danse. She is in residency in Charleroi danse, partner of les Halles de Schaerbeek and accompanied by Grand Studio.


Fabienne Aucant
+32 (0)71 23 01 31