Piece for 2 dancers and 1 musician

Corps Confiants

Félicette Chazerand

Young audiences aged 6 or over

Concept : Félicette Chazerand

Danse : Milton Paulo, Maria-Eugenia Lopez (en double distribution avec Anne-Cécile Chane-Tune)
Musique : Marc Galo

Production : Parcours asbl

Diffusion : Tiphaine Marcq
Soutien : ékla – art pour tous

Création, 1996
Recréation, 2015

Présenté à l’occasion du Noël des Mômes

La compagnie Félicette Chazerand bénéficie d’un hébergement administratif à Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie.

Created in 1996 as part of the Jeunesses musicales and recreated in 2016, the source of this piece for two dancers and one musician is contact improvisation. It develops, explains and sets out this very particular mechanism that Félicette Chazerand sums up as “appreciating the experience and mastering the dangers of gravity”.

Beyond the performance in its traditional sense, Corps Confiants is a danced encounter and performative experience. A language is developed live with a continuous reinvention of our senses, and thus it speaks to the soul as much as it does to the body.

Devised for everyone aged six and up, the performance invites each spectator to take an active look at movement, this whole of which he or she is part, experimenting with implementing risk and trust, with all the links possible between bodies that think, feel and act: drivers of art and of life.

Sat. 15.12.2018
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Sat. 15.12.2018
Charleroi - Les Écuries