Piece for 5 performers

My soul is my Visa

*Melk Prod./ Marco Berrettini

Creation 2018 / Belgian premiere

Idée et chorégraphie : Marco Berrettini
Interprètes : Nathalie Broizat, Sébastien Chatellier, Ruth Childs, Caroline Breton, Samuel Pajand
Scénographie et lumière : Bruno Faucher
Costumes : Olivier Mulin
Régie générale : Bruno Faucher
Piano interprétées en live : Tom Johnson, Nils Frahm, Meredith Monk, Olafur Arnalds, Bill Fay, Nina Simone, Erik Satie, Beth Gibbons, Curtis Mayfield
Production *MELK PROD., Tanzplantation
Administration et diffusion : Tutu Production – Pauline Coppée
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, ICI – CCN de Montpellier/Occitanie, Pôle Sud – CDCN de Strasbourg
Soutien : Ville de Genève, Loterie romande, Pro Helvetia, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, Fondation Ernst Goehner, Fondation Suisse des Artistes Interprètes, DRAC Ile-de- France – Ministère de la culture et de la communication
Résidences de création : Mottatom à Genève, ICI – CCN de Montpellier, Pôle Sud – CDCN de Strasbourg

Création 2018, Théâtre le Galpon, Genève

He first became interested in dance by going to discos. After winning a disco dancing championship in Germany, Marco Berrettini trained at the London School of Contemporary Dance, then at the Folkvangschule in Essen. With his company *Melk Prod, since the late 1990s he has created around thirty shows that are deliberately caustic and iconoclastic. In My Soul is My Visa, five performers and a piano work in harmony with the flow of funk and soul; an alliance of musicality and gestures in a lively repertoire ranging from Erik Satie to Tom Johnson, from Beth Gibbons to Nils Frahm, from Nina Simone to Meredith Monk. The choreography becomes a living organism, an abstract and repetitive structure within which very singular presences assert themselves. The coloured and golden costumes by stylist Olivier Mulin (who started his career with Jean-Paul Gaultier) compete to give to the surrounding groove a touch of eccentricity, the signature of Marco Berrettini who is consummate at subverting appearances..

Sat. 12.01.2019
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie