Piece for 4 dancers


Anton Lachky

Young audiences aged 6 or over

Prix de la Ministre de la Culture Alda Greoli des Rencontres Théâtre Jeune Public de Huy 2017

Chorégraphie : Anton Lachky 
Danseurs : Mami Izumi, Anna Karenina Lambrechts, Ioulia Zacharaki, Angel Duran
Son et lumières : Tom Daniels
Costumes : Britt Angé

Production : Seventyseven vzw 
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Krokusfestival 
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse

Création 2017, Krokusfestival, Hasselt

Une co-présentation Charleroi danse et Eden

The four characters dressed in shiny clothes, sequins and animal fur suddenly appear on stage in this work that won the Prize of the Ministry of Culture at the Rencontres jeune public in Huy in 2017. Their festive, extravagant, animal, joyful, fierce, mesmerising and quick-tempered gestural language is accompanied by a soundtrack where sound effects, pop music and classical arias collide. An aesthetic of explosion, a colourful, generous zapping dance full of exaggeration and detail demanded by Cartoon in which the collective and individual, love, sharing, jealousy and selfishness have their place… The moods change, sometimes violently so, at the heart of a piece that speaks to everyone despite there being no narrative thread.

A proposition that at times is light, at other times is serious, with the choreographer urging young members of the audience aged six and upwards “not to abandon their body”, but rather “to learn very soon to always live from it, in it, respecting its nature and its profound desires”.

Fri. 08.02.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Fri. 08.02.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Sat. 09.02.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries