
nora chipaumire

Creation 2021 — Belgian Premiere — installation

Direction artistique, conception, son et lumiére : nora chipaumire
Set design : Ari Marcopoulos, Kara Walker, Matt Jackson Studio

Born in Zimbabwe and now based in New York, nora chipaumire has been challenging and embracing stereotypes of Africa, of the dancing black body, art and aesthetics since she started out in 1998. Featuring the residues and repercussions of her trilogy #Punk, 100%pop,*N!gga, afternow is an installation that brings together the various material that has fed into or accompanied the creation of her performances. It is an alternative way of putting into perspective her musical, choreographic and theoretical universe, constructed around the emancipatory movements of her youth. Scheduled to be performed at La Raffinerie and then postponed, the final part *N!gga could not be staged due to the pandemic. The installation afternow is a proactive answer to the restrictions imposed by the virus in relation to artist mobility and social distancing. As nora chipaumire explains: “When the performing arts become less desirable and artists all over the world are facing a kind of social death, I am proposing an installation enlivened by films, sounds, images and words that the public can discover at their convenience.

15.10 > 29.10.2021
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie