Freely adapted from Showgirls, by Paul Verhoeven (1995)


Marlène Saldana & Jonathan Drillet

Belgishe premiere — Solo — Young audiences aged 16 and over

Texte et interprétation : Marlène Saldana & Jonathan Drillet
Avec : Marlène Saldana 

Création musicale : 
Rebeka Warrior 
Mix : Krikor

Décor : Sophie Perez 

Sculpture : Daniel Mestanza

Costume, maquillage et perruque : 

Lumière : Fabrice Ollivier

Son : Guillaume Olmeta
Conseil Chorégraphique : Mai Ishiwata
Assistant : Robin Causse 

Production / Dissusion : Chloé Perol

Production : The United Patriotic Squadrons of Blessed Diana

Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Nanterre-Amandiers, centre dramatique national, centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie, Comédie de Caen CDN de Normandie , Théâtre Saint-Gervais, Genève , La rose des vents, Villeneuve d’Ascq, TAP Poitiers, Comédie de Reims, Les Subsistances – Lyon
Remerciements : Pierre Hardy, Philippe Quesne, Tina Scott pour Neonglazenails, Mon truc en plumes, Cédric Debœuf Studio, Marc Chevillon, Jérôme Pique, et Narcisse Agenc

We are already familiar with Marlène’s versatility on stage, switching easily between dance and theatre alongside the likes of Boris Charmatz and the ZEREP company, and more than anything recognise her incredible talent; we know that Jonathan has worked with Raimund Hoghe, Phia Ménard and Jonathan Capdevielle.
The two have a knowledge of the stage that would make any actor blanch. Together they have drawn inspiration from Paul Verhoeven’s film Showgirls, which in a short time went from being roundly panned to becoming a cult film.
The screenplay explores the trials and tribulations of Nomi, a dancer lost in a Las Vegas strip club, and provides the pretext for Saldana and Drillet to conjure up the tough reality of female dancers being exploited and exposed to the humiliation and violence hidden behind the show’s sequins.
Unaware of lurking dangers, every trick of this official art form of Vegas casinos has to be played and the unlikeliest dances fearlessly tackled. That’s what this Showgirl promises us today.

Thu. 21.10.2021
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie