

Jule Flierl

Belgian premiere / 2018 creation

Conception, chorégraphie et interprétation : Jule Flierl
Dramaturgie : Luise Meier
Scénographie : Pauline Brun
Costumes : Lea Kieffer
Lumières et production déléguée : David Eckelmann
Son : Sam Hertz
Expert en notation : Steffi Weissmann
Livre : Caroline Böttcher

Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, P-Bodies – Festival for Contemporary Dance & Performance Leipzig

Jule Flierl’s career path has certainly been unconventional, taking her from classical contemporary dance training all the wayto being involved in some of the most avant-garde projects in Berlin and working as a go-go dancer in a Turkish gay cabaret.

The subject of her own research is the dancer’s voice in the representation of the dancing body. The proposition that she hasdeveloped for this piece originated in the discovery in Valeska Gert’s archives of pieces featuring sound by this famous 1930s German performer. Jule is therefore reconnecting with certain excesses of Berlin cabaret, offering her own personal interpretation of them by adding vocal work that comes from several years studying the Lichtenberger method. The title Störlaut, which can be translated as interference, indicates a noise caused by an association of sounds that interfere with the normal course of sound transmission. A disturbing and unexpected project.

Wed. 25.04.2018
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie