Piece for 4 dancers

À l’Ouest

Olivia Grandville

2018 creation / Premiere

Chorégraphie : Olivia Grandville
Textes et entretiens : Olivia Grandville
Musique : Alexis Degrenier, Moondog
Interprétation : Lucie Collardeau, Clémence Galliard, Tatiana Julien, Olivia Grandville
Percussion et vielle à roue : Alexis Degrenier
Réalisation sonore : Jonathan Kingsley Seilman
Lumières : Fabrice Le Fur, Yves Godin
Dispositif scénique : Yves Godin, Olivia Grandville
Costumes : Eric Martin
Images : Olivia Grandville
Contribution : Stéphane Pauvret, Aurélien Desclozeaux

Production : La Spirale de Caroline
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Le lieu unique – Scène nationale de Nantes, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse/Occitanie, la Ménagerie de Verre, CCNN – Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes, Centre national de danse contemporaine – Angers
Soutien : La Ville de Nantes, l’Institut Français, l’Ambassade de France à Ottawa
Aide : Adami – société des artistes-interprètes

For her latest creation, Olivia Grandville is following the steps of Moondog, the American counterculture composer who was permanently affected by watching a sun dance by a Native American tribe. He would remember the original beat of the drums his whole life. Now the choreographer wants to preserve the beat from this story, with the beat of the bodies and the world as the central theme. Heading off on an initiatory journey to the Native American reserves in Canada and North America, Olivia Grandville has seen evidence of a culture that is still alive, despite the genocide, and a revolutionary heart that continues to beat in Trump’s America, crazier than ever. In other respects, the question of geographical, cultural and personal displacement is appropriate for questioning our own foundations, margins and vanguards. And then she says “a people who imagine conquering entire cavalries of heavily armed soldiers one day by dancing day and night, that appeals to me”. So Go West even more!

Tue. 17.04.2018
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie