Bruno Freire

Bruno Freire is a choreographic artist and performer from São Paulo. After studying communication and semiotics and graduating in dance and performance from PUC-SP (Brazil), he set off for Europe to take the ex.e.r.ce choreographic masters programme in Montpellier (2013-2015). During his training, he dabbled at architecture, video, theatre, photography, poetry, performance and at just being a traveller.

He is currently looking for the marvellous in The marvellous is now. A kind of manifesto, it features a dancer trapped in an eternal studio, on a search without end… He lives between Brazil, France and Belgium. In Brazil, he works primarily with Sheila Ribeiro, Cristian Duarte and Thelma Bonavita, and recently has collaborated with Mette Ingvarsten and Radouan Mziriga.

He is interested in developing practices of the body and forms of artistic writing that can inspire his experiments.