Arkadi Zaides

Concept et direction : Arkadi Zaides

Avec la collaboration de : Claire Buisson, Nienke Scholts, Jonas Rutgeers, Youness Anzane, Effi & Amir (Effi Weiss & Amir Borenstein), Gabriel Braga, Culture Crew, Amit Epstein, Dyane Neiman, Simge Gücük, Thalie Lurault, Etienne Exbrayat

Interprétation : Lara Barsacq

Administration et production : Simge Gücük

Diffusion internationale : Key Performance – Julia Asperska & Koen Vanhove

Coproduction : Les Subsistances, Lyon, CDC Toulouse, NEXT Festival, Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai, La Maison de la Danse, Lyon, CCNN – Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes, TanzQuartier Wien, Vienne, Wiesbaden Biennale, Wiesbaden, Teaterhuset Avant Garden, Trondheim, K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hambourg dans le cadre du projet Together Apart financé par la Fondation Fédérale Culturelle Allemande.

Accueil en résidence : O Espaço do Tempo, Montemor-o-Novo, STUK, Leuven, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Dialoghi Résidence pour le spectacle vivant à Villa Manin/CSS Udine, Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer.

Avec la participation de DICRéAM.
Avec la participation du Fonds Transfabrik – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant.
Institut des Croisements / Arkadi Zaides est soutenu par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes dans le cadre de l’aide à la structuration.

Talos, the giant in Greek mythology whose role was to protect Crete and Europe from invaders, has lent his name to a European technology project whose mission is to use a robot to detect illegal presences along our borders. A perpetual migrant himself, Arkadi Zaides has taken the intention in this piece, somewhere between a lecture and a performance, to explore the political and ethical consequences such a project might have. Since his last work, Arkadi Zaides, who was born in Belarus then became a resident of Israel and is now welcomed in various European countries, has focused on issues of the body confronted with the violence of migration.

His research is based on the body as a receptacle of upheavals in history, using several art forms and a documentary quest combining interviews, archives and demonstrations.

This is the theme that he plans to work on with students from ISAC during a week-long workshop. At the end of the week he will show his own project Talos, which is being staged for the first time in French with Lara Barsacq.

Sat. 03.03.2018
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
+/- 50'