Concert performed


Down the Rabbit Hole

Belgian premiere

Concept : Down the Rabbit Hole, Frédéric Verrières : Kaja Farszky (percussion), Quentin Meurisse (piano& electronics), Akiko Okawa (violon), Joren Elsen (trombone), Dries Tack (clarinette), Wannes Gonnissen (sound design), Frédéric Verrières (electronics & sound) : Nora Alberdi et Denis Robert
Musique : Frédéric Verrières Evening Harmony (révision 2022) et 78 Pieces of Film (création)

Production : Down the Rabbit Hole
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Ars Musica

Une co-présentation Ars Musica et Charleroi danse

© Vanja Babic

Down the Rabbit Hole is a new European music collective comprising three artistic directors. The group likes exploring the possibilities offered by original stage devices and is seeking to take contemporary music in new dramaturgical directions, which is reflected in this evening’s programme that features a selection of pieces about fear and suspense. The ghost of Alfred Hitchcock converses with the composer Frédéric Verrières. Another dialogue plays out between the live musicians and dancers, with particular attention paid to rhythm.
It is a project that cuts across visions and interpretations associated with our most difficult emotions.

Tue. 22.11.2022
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie