

Auguste Ouédraogo & Bienvenue Bazié

Belgian Première

Conception, direction artistique : Auguste Ouédraogo, Bienvenue Bazié
Chorègraphie, interprète : Bienvenue Bazié
Assistant chorégraphe : Auguste Ouédraogo
Compositeur musical : Adama Kouanda
Vidéaste : Grégory Hiétin
Créateur lumière : Fabrice Barbotin
Scénographe : Marc Valladon
Chargée de production : Gaëlle Mège
Texte : Extrait de Le Progrès (1864) – Chapitre 3 Le progrès au 19e siècle – Edmond About

Production : Compagnie Auguste-Bienvenue / Wa Tid Saou Allons danser
Coproduction : La Briqueterie – CDCN Val-de- Marne, Le Palace de Montataire, Le Glob Théâtre Bordeaux
Soutien : DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine, OARA – Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, iddac – agence culturel de
la Gironde, Ville de Bordeaux, Les Éclats – Pôle artistique pour la danse contemporaine en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, La Termitière – CDC de Ouagadougou, M270 – Maison des savoirs partagés de Floirac

Une co-présentation Le 140 et Charleroi danse

In Burkina Faso, being an artist is not exactly the promising career parents dream of. This is a country where being an artist
is associated with idleness. But isn’t that
a universal topic?
Bienvenue Bazié, one
of the most sought-after choreographers
in Burkina Faso and a regular collaborator
of Salia Sanou and Seydou Boro, leads us along the narrow path he has taken from his adolescence, via accounting school where he was enrolled by his father, to contemporary dance – a dream come true.

In this autobiographical solo, he returns to this crucial time when he overturned social determinism and the influence of a society that wanted the family’s first male heir
to follow the educational path outlined by
his parents. Bienvenue reflects on what his family said and together we leaf through
the album of his memories. Magnificent videos by Gregory Hiétin show his mother and her lullabies on stage, followed by a touching account from his father who ultimately
gave his consent.

Tue. 03.03.2020
Wed. 04.03.2020
Thu. 05.03.2020