Piece for 3 performers

NORMAN c’est comme normal, à une lettre près

Clément Thirion & Marie Henry

Young Audiences 7-11 years old

Direction, Chorégraphie : Clément Thirion
Texte : Marie Henry
Interprètes : Antoine Cogniaux, Deborah Marchal, Lylybeth Merle
Direction technique, Création lumière : 
Gaspar Schelck
Création sonore : Thomas Turine
Scénographie, costumes : Katrijn Baeten, Saskia Louwaard
Danse classique : Maria Clara Villa-Lobos
Régie : Gaspar Schelck / Christophe Van Hove
Développement, Diffusion : BLOOM Project

Production : kosmocompany
Production déléguée : Mars – Mons arts de la scène
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Mars – Mons arts de la scène, Pierre de Lune, La Coop
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service du théâtre, La Montagne Magique, Shelterprod, Taxshelter.be, ING, Tax Shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge

Création novembre 2021, Mars – Mons arts de la scène

Une co-présentation Pierre de Lune et Charleroi danse

©Hichem Dahes

From the moment he set up his Kosmokompany, whose early works include [weltanschauung] and Fractal, actor and director Clément Thirion combined his love of science and art and added the dimension of movement on stage. As well as developing his own creations, he also makes his sense of gesture available to other creators who wish to include dance in their shows.
Based on a real story (a father who decides to fall in with his son and wear a dress, like him, when he takes him to school), Marie Henry wrote Pink Boys and Old Ladies. The writer and the director have now adapted the story for young audiences aged seven, the same age as Norman, and up.
The outcome is a stimulating and tender show with a touch of pop that hybridises genders, in all senses of the term, to challenge norms accurately and astutely.

Wed. 25.01.2023
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
Wed. 25.01.2023
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
45' (+ rencontre 25')