New Creation

Bruno Beltrão / Grupo de Rua

Direction artistique : Bruno Beltrão
Assistant direction artistique: Gilson Cruz
Avec : Wallyson Amorim, Camila Dias, Renann Fontoura, Eduardo Hermanson, Alci Junior, Silvia Kamyla, Ronielson Araújo ’Kapu’, Leonardo Laureano, Antonio Carlos Silva
Lumières : Renato Machado
Musique : Lucas Marcier / ARPX
Technique: Sineir
Decor: Anderson Dias
Costumes : Marcelo Sommer

Production : Grupo de Rua en collaboration avec Something Great
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Festival d’Automne à Paris et Centquatre, Wiener Festwochen, SPRING Performing Arts Festival, Sadler Wells, Kampnagel, Onassis STEGI, Culturgest, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Romaeuropa, Le Maillon – Théâtre de Strasbourg, Cité Musicale-Metz
Diffusion : Something Great

Commandé par Künstlerhaus Mousonturm dans le cadre de German Alliance of International Production Hæouses

Avec le soutien du Goethe Institut

Une coprésentation : Kunstenfestivaldesarts et Charleroi danse

© Karla Kalife

Over the course of the last two decades Bruno Beltrão has revolutionized Hip Hop by interweaving styles and postures of Urban Dance with contemporary dance principles. His choreographies, with Grupo de Rua, are characterized by a physical vehemence and an analytical understanding of music and space. The company’s pulsing energy and high virtuosity have cast a spell over audiences worldwide. But how to stay in movement, when the current political and social situation in one’s country appears to paralyze everything; when hounding and hatred seem to disunite, split and suffocate freedom and solidarity, equality and democracy? With his new creation, Beltrão is reflecting on and protesting against the radical shift to the right and the newly sprouted fascist movements in Brazil and elsewhere. His previous performance Inoah, presented at Kunstenfestivaldesarts 2018, already seemed to predict this societal shift. The movement material negotiated indissoluble conflicts and violent social contradictions in a nearly pleading manner; as an urban battle between solidarity and excess. Now he returns to the festival with his new creation to make a vibrant statement about the necessity of resistance and movement in a society in the grip of conservative forces.

Thu. 12.05.2022
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie