Piece for 9 dancers


Siamese Cie / Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero en collaboration avec Xanthoula Dakovanou

Creation 2021

Concept, chorégraphie : Koen Augustijnen, Rosalba Torres Guerrero
En collaboration avec Xanthoula Dakovanou pour la gestion musicale

En collaboration avec les danseurs : Lamprini Gkolia, Christiana Kosiari, Konstantinos Chairetis, Petrina Giannakou, Dafni Stathatou, Athina Kyrousi, Taxiarchis Vasilakos, Alexandros Stavropoulos, Spyridon Christakis
Direction artistique musicale : Xanthoula Dakovanou
Invités : Magic Malik (flute, voice), Nikos Filippidis (clarinet)
Musique : Kleon Andoniou (guitarre électrique; chant), Solis Barkis (percussions), Dimitris Brendas (clarinet, kaval), Xanthoula Dakovanou (chant), Lefkothea Filippidi (chant), Kostas Filippidis (lute), Stefanos Filos (violon), Avgerini Gatsi (chant), Panagiotis Katsikiotis (drums), Dimitris Katsoulis (violon), Ourania Lampropoulou (santouri), Antonis Maratos (electric bass, contrebass), Alexandros Rizopoulos (percussions, chants), Thanassis Tzinas (chants)
Enregistrements : Giorgos Korres – Studio Syn ENA Athènes
Mixing : Giorgos Dakovanos, Giorgos Korres
Production musicale : MOUSA Athènes
Enregistrements, mixing : Sam Serruys – DGP Studio Ostende
Paysage sonore : Sam Serruys
Costumes : Peggy Housset
Lumière : Begoña Garcia Navas
Direction technique : Michel Delvigne
Administrateur : Herwig Onghena
Production, gestion tournée : Nicole Petit
Distribution : ART HAPPENS – Sarah De Ganck

Production Siamese Cie
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Festival d’Avignon, La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand – Scène nationale, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, La Villette, Cité musicale-Metz – Arsenal, Le Manège – Scène nationale de Maubeuge, TPE Théâtre Paul Eluard – Scène conventionnée de Bezons, Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg – Scène européenne, POLE-SUD – CDCN Strasbourg, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, Mars – Mons arts de la scène, Duncan Dance Research Center
Soutien : Ville de Gand, Belgian Tax Shelter

In Epirus in northwest Greece, not far from the Albanian border, Rosalba Torres Guerrero and Koen Augustijnen discovered the range, richness and vitality of traditional music and dance in the form of “miroloi”, a type of lamentation expressing the sorrow of separation caused by bereavement, departure or marriage. With nine contemporary dancers from Greece, the choreographers embark on a journey packed with emotional content and accompanied by music that shifts from traditional miroloi to versions blending jazz and rock. By sharing the pain linked to personal mourning and collectively exchanging it in song, gestures, looks and the lived experience, the community supports sufferers as they go through, endure and then transcend their sense of loss. It is only at the end of this long journey of suffering, passed from one to the next and carried by the group as if by a choir, that the complaint turns into a dance and song of renewal for the people left behind.


Sat. 19.02.2022
Charleroi - Les Écuries