10 years +

La Cage

Faraja Batumike

Creation 2022 / Premiere

Conception, Chorégraphie, Danse : Faraja Batumike
Direction artistique, Mise en scène : Milan Emmanuel
Création musicale : Patient Ramazani
Installation, Costumes : Precy Numbi
Scénographie, Création lumière : Peter Maschke
Regard extérieur : Juan Bernardo Martinez

Production : Cie No Way Back
Coproduction : Charleroi danse
Partenaire : Grand studio

Une co-présentation Pierre de Lune et Charleroi danse à l’occasion du Detours Festival

Originally from Goma in the DRC, Faraja Batumike has been dancing (hip hop, house, break, ndombolo) since 2007.
The winner of several local competitions and also working internationally as a trainer and choreographer, in 2017 he set up the Goma Dance Festival, an annual meeting of urban, contemporary and traditional dance. His homeland of Congo, a land of riches but also of terrible violence, is part of his solo, a first version of which he performed at the Detours Festival organised by the No Way Back company in Brussels in 2021.
La Cage tells of the journey of a young man who wants to achieve his dreams despite his difficult environment. Blending hip hop and words, the piece also shows that “we create cages for ourselves, we confine ourselves in our restrictive thoughts”. Today, Faraja confides, “Goma is no longer a cage for me”.

Fri. 16.09.2022
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
Sat. 17.09.2022
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
± 60'