Calixto Neto


Chorégraphie et interprétation : Calixto Neto
Collaboration artistique : Luiz de Abreu, Ana Laura Nascimento, Carolina Campos
Production : Julie Le Gall
Création lumière : Eduardo Abdala
Création son : Chaos Clay
Décor & costumes : Rachel Garcia
Coach vocal : Dalila Khatir
Direction technique : Emmanuel Fornès
Production déléguée : VOA – Calixto Neto
Coproduction : Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Charleroi danse – Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Centre National de la Danse, ICI-CCN de Montpellier, Theater Freiburg, CCN-Ballet national de Marseille dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio/Ministère de la Culture, CCN de Caen en Normandie dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio, CNDC Angers, CCN d’Orléans

Avec le soutien de : la Villa Albertine en partenariat avec l’Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis et du Teatro Municipal do Porto Rivoli – Campo Alegre
Performances à Bruxelles avec le soutien de l’Institut Français et l’Ambassade de France en Belgique, dans le cadre d’EXTRA

IL FAUX est le projet soutenu par les Friends du Kunstenfestivaldesarts en 2023

In his book Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehesi Coates writes a letter to his teenage son, who begins to learn about the world and its dangers. Being a Black man in the United States, Coates knows that his son could lose his body at any moment. It’s a body that does not belong to him, and which lives in fear of being taken away in an instant. One’s body can be lost to the violence of the police, to the logic of the streets and their gangs, or to the possibility of an easier life by erasing its roots and suddenly becoming an empty bag with no inner life. This book is the starting point for Calixto Neto’s new creation. After co-creating Outrar with Lia Rodrigues in 2021, the Brazilian-born dancer and choreographer returns to the festival with a world premiere. He brings to the stage notions of manipulation, exploring the ventriloquist technique. His body emits a speech without being identified as the speaker, as if it were an imposter; his body moves as if it doesn’t belong to him. IL FAUX bursts into a myriad of gestures and sounds. It is a tribute to all those for whom one’s body is continually reconquered, reaffirmed, and reassured. Through his incredible stage presence, Calixto Neto guides us as in a magic show between the dispossession of the body and the power of its reconquest.


After talk following the performance of 27.05

Fri. 26.05.2023
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
Sat. 27.05.2023
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
Sun. 28.05.2023
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie