

Mercedes Dassy

aged 15 or over

Chorégraphie, interprétation : Mercedes Dassy
Dramaturgie, regards extérieur : Sabine Cmelniski
Création sonore : Clément Braive
Scénographie, création lumière : Caroline Mathieu
Costumes, scénographie : Justine Denos

Diffusion : AMA – Arts Management Agency
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Théâtre la Balsamine

Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, SACD, Project(ion) Room, B.A.M.P, Théâtre Océan Nord,
Friends with Benefits

Une co-présentation L’Ancre et Charleroi danse dans le cadre du Focus Hétéroclit’

Nominated for a Prix de la Critique 17-18, this personal and daring solo led to Mercedes Dassy becoming the first winner of the Prix Jo Dekmine awarded by the Théâtre des Doms. Without ever being toned down, i-clit sharpens the tool of “pop feminism” in an uncompromising exploration of the feminine, the body, sex, desire, identity, but also the patriarchal codes and conditionings that still have some resonance. It starts with a fun and iconic opening before developing into successive tableaux where the performer exhibits then deconstructs the invasion
of images and discourses: the conscious, confident or forced body; the present, represented, confiscated, instrumentalised, reclaimed body; the reign of the paradoxical order. Protean, hypersexualised, indeed perpetually changing, feminism today cannot disregard either the bodies who carry it or the questions raised by these incarnations. Without judgment but nonetheless taking a critical look, Mercedes Dassy passes herself off at the age of 29 as a participating observer of the way of “transforming the notion of sexual object into sexual subject”, by again posing the fundamental question
of choice.

Sat. 16.11.2019
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