
El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido

Alessandro Bernardeschi & Mauro Paccagnella

Creation 2018

Création : Alessandro Bernardeschi et Mauro Paccagnella
Chorégraphie et mise en scène : Alessandro Bernardeschi en collaboration avec Mauro Paccagnella
Interprétation : Alessandro Bernardeschi, Lisa Gunstone, Mauro Paccagnella
Soundscape : Eric Ronsse
Création lumières et régie : Simon Stenmans
Conseil vidéo : Stéphane Broc
Costumes : Fabienne Damiean

Production Wooshing Machine
Production déléguée : Théâtre Les Tanneurs
Assistant : Tom De Brabandere
Attachée de diffusion : Camille Jublou
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, POLE-SUD – CDCN Strasbourg, CCN de Tours, Central – Centre culturel régional du Centre La Louvière
Aide : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, WBI, WBTD, SACD
Soutien : Commission Communautaire Française
Accueil studio : Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie, Centre chorégraphique national de Tours / Direction Thomas Lebrun et Grand Studio 
Un immense grazie à Caterina Sagna pour ses précieux conseils

There are two of them, both originally from Italy but who have made Brussels their home, polymorphous artists in their fifties and old friends. Their close ties produced the piece Happy Hour in 2016. Alessandro Bernardeschi and Mauro Paccagnella are now joining forces again on a new work, this time with the English dancer Lisa Gunstone. They definitely have dance in common, but theatre and performance as well, and a heightened sense of self-mockery. At the heart of El Pueblo unido jamás será vencido – the title comes from a song by the South American group Quilapayun who urge oppressed peoples to come together in the struggle for a freer and more equal world – is a mixture of personal and collective memories, the role and fit sought by the individual in the group, the group’s ability to integrate and sublimate the individuals of which it is comprised. Movement, speeches, songs and witness statements therefore converge in an equally choreographic and theatrical poetry. As a populist wave sweeps through, this piece questions the reverberations now being felt of the revolutionary fervour of the past

Thu. 23.05.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Fri. 24.05.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries