Piece for 5 dancers

Dress Code

Julien Carlier

Chorégraphie : Julien Carlier
Création, interprétation : Fabio Amato,
Nouri El-Mazoughi, Benoît Nieto Duran, Jules Rozenwajn, Audrey Lambert
Dramaturgie : Fanny Brouyaux
Musique : Simon Carlier
Création lumière : Julien Vernay
Scénographie : Justine Bougerol
Costumes : Marine Stevens
Accompagnement artistique : Helder Seabra
Administration, production : Xavier Melis
Diffusion : BLOOM Project

Production: Compagnie Abis
Production déléguée : Théâtre Les Tanneurs
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Theater Freiburg
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse
Aide : Centre culturel Jacques Franck, Grand Studio

Création juin 2021, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Bruxelles

Une co-présentation Théâtre Les Tanneurs et Charleroi danse



After becoming a huge fan of breakdance, Julien Carlier trained in hip hop in Brussels and Paris while studying for a masters in physiotherapy.
Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, his early experiences on stage evolved towards projects that were devised and created collectively. The varied path he has taken inspires his work as a creator, in which the technical skill of the hip-hop vocabulary is combined with sensitive listening.
And so in Dress Code he follows the journeys of five performers whom he puts on display to the audience first, like a microcosm under the magnifying glass. Blending challenges and an exercise of utmost sincerity, this introduction to the subject head on opens up into a performance that is constructed like a ritual, where the individuals and their experiences, intimacy and virtuosity, powers and flaws, the singularity of people and the mechanics of the group all start to resonate.