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Victor Dumont & Mohamed Boujarra

« La danse reproduit les processus qui nous permettent de nous rapporter au monde, de nous relier aux autres corps, de nous transformer et de façonner l’espace qui nous entoure » Silvia Federici

HIATUS: Opening to the Here and Now
Hiatus creates new openings for meaningful engagement, to share more often and more deeply with the public, creating space for our values to resonate with the public, as we care for ourselves and our greater community.
During Land Connection Practices Daniel Linehan and Michael Helland will guide embodied movement practices to help us to connect with our senses and with our environment.
Daniel Linehan and Michael Helland have more than 15 years of experience in dance and choreography, and they share a deep interest in exploring the relationship between our bodies and the environments we inhabit. During Land Connection Practices, they would like to propose activities in which we nurture the connection between our bodies and the earth, considering how our bodies are made from the same minerals, waters, and elements as this earth which is our home.
We will explore movement exercises that connect us to the dynamic surroundings, and awareness exercises that open up our senses and bring us toward full embodiment in the here and now, exercises that connect us to our breath as we allow the breath to nourish our sense of vitality. This is a chance to let go and receive our surroundings, as well as a chance to wake up and be enlivened by the energy of the other living beings around us. A park is a human-cultivated place, but also a place that responds to a basic human need to connect with the more-than-human, with the green grass and the blue sky and the wild beings that fly above and burrow below.
We will stand, walk, listen, talk, and dance together to inhabit a place in the here and now, with our full bodies and our open attention. We will practice connecting to and contributing to the story of the land that supports our presence.

Concept & guidance Daniel Linehan, Michael Helland
Production Hiatus (Brussels, BE)
Daniel Linehan is Creative Associate at deSingel International Arts

29.04 - 15:00 > 19:00
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie