Marion Muzac

Marion Muzac got education in classical ballet at the Conservatory as well as at the university program in trade and communication. In New York she got education in Merce Cunningham technique, followed by the education at the Centre de Développement Chorégraphique in Toulouse.

She is professor of contemporary dance at the Conservatoire de Toulouse, at CDC and ISDAT. Since 2001 she carries simultaneously pedagogical work and choreographic creation. She collaborates with visual artists, theater and opera directors and works with young actors at the Théâtre National de Toulouse.

In 2008 with David Haudrechy she created a dance and music duo hero hero, which has been presented in schools. In 2010 with the visual artist Rachel Garcia she made the collaborative choreographic project Sucre du printemps with 27 young dancers. After Toulouse, this work was done in Düsseldorf, Paris and in Ramallah in Palestine. After that, she created a documentary film 17 printemps with the director Sophie Laloy about formative experiences of a 17-year-old dancer who enters the life of adults through the dance experience.

In 2015 she realized the project Ladies First for a group of young adolescents who pay tribute to dancers of the last century: from Loïe Fuller to Josephine Baker.

Currently she is working on the new creation Let’s Folk! which deals with the festive and musical dimension of traditional/folklore/popular dances.