Gaëlle Bourges

Gaëlles Bourges work is proof of her pronounced inclination for references to art history and of her critical relationship with the history of representations: she created, among other shows, the triptych Vider Vénus, Emptying Venus : I kiss the eyes / The beautiful indifference / The lock, A mon seul désir (which played at the Festival d’Avignon in 2015), Lascaux, Conjurer la peur [Warding off fear], Incidence 1327 – with visual artist Gwendoline Robin (which also played at the Festival d’Avignon in 2017), Ce que tu vois [What you see]… In 2017/2018 season, she also created two plays for youth audiences: Revoir Lascaux [To see Lascaux again] and Le bain [The bathe], currently touring.
Moreover, she holds a degree in Somatic Movement Education delivered by the Body-Mind Centering school, and a performing arts degree by the university Paris 8-Saint-Denis. She sang in several casts (musical for children, glam’pop band, etc.) and was a stripper in an erotic theater in Paris for two years and a half.