We wear our wheels with pride and slap your streets with color… we said ‘bonjour’ to satan in 1820…

Moving Into Dance Mophatong Company / Robyn Orlin

Creation 2021 — Belgian Premiere — Piece for 8 dancers

Conception, chorégraphie : Robyn Orlin
Danseurs – Moving Into Dance Mophatong : Sunnyboy Motau, Oscar Buthelezi, Eugene Mashiane, Lesego Dihemo, Sbusiso Gumede, Teboho Letele
Création vidéos : Eric Perroys
Création costumes : Birgit Neppl
Création lumières : Romain de Lagarde
Musique originale : uKhoiKhoi avec Yogin Sullaphen, Anelisa Stuurman
Régisseur de tournée : Jean-Marc L’Hostis
Régisseur général : Thabo Pule
Administration, diffusion : Damien Valette
Coordination : Louise Bailly

Production : City Theater & Dance Group, MIDM – Moving Into Dance Mophatong, Damien Valette Prod
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Festival Montpellier Danse 2020, Tanz im August, Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse, Le Grand T – Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne

Création juin 2021, Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse, Paris

Born in South Africa, Robyn Orlin still vividly remembers the time of apartheid.
Her memories include Durban’s rickshaws, the small handcarts pulled by black people and carrying whites. What struck her at the time was not so much seeing the exploitation of man by man in its harshest light, but rather the dignity of these rickshaw pullers dressed in costumes whose elegance and beauty were evidence of their creativity and desire to resist humiliation. Bedecked with feathers, stones, pearls and bovid horns on their heads, through their dress they subverted the dehumanisation to which they were subject. She says that when they ran, these workers “seemed to dance, their bodies hanging aloft”. By sharing her memories with a young generation of dancers from South Africa, Robyn Orlin brings to the stage a battle for dignity and equality, showing that, then as now, it can be waged in art and creative self-expression.


Une activité pour les enfants pendant que les parents sont au spectacle !
Plus d’infos ci-dessous…

et aussi
Le célèbre food truck sera bien présent une heure avant le début du spectacle pour nourrir les plus gourmands ! Plats locaux et produits frais 🍷

Sat. 20.11.2021
Charleroi - Les Écuries