Piece for 11 dancers

WAW – We are Woman

Thierry Smits

Creation 2018

Chorégraphie : Thierry Smits
Dramaturgie et collaboration artistique : Antoine Pickels
Danseurs : Linton Aberle, Ruben Brown, Davide Guarino, Michal Adam Goral, Gustavo Monteiro, Oskari Nyyssölä, Emeric Rabot, Nelson Reguera Perez, Eduard Turull, Duarte Valadares, Paolo Yao
Création musicale : Nicolas Klau avec Loreto Zamora
Costumes : Silvia Hasenclever
Création lumières : Nicolas Simonin
Assistanat : Vincenzo Carta
Consultant-e-s : Véronique Danneels (historienne de l’art), Laura Tecco, Caroline Gounongbé et Samantha Blaiberg (obstétriciennes-gynécoloques) et David Paternotte (sociologue)
Production : Compagnie Thor
Administration et production : Fabien Defendini, Karim Mohdhi
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, COOP Asbl, Théâtre Varia
Soutien : Shelter Production, ING et du taxshelter du gouvernement fédéral belge.

Création 2018, Théâtre Varia, Bruxelles

We are Woman, the new work by the Belgian choreographer Thierry Smits, brings back the same eleven performers from his previous show Anima Ardens (2016). Once again he asserts an artistic approach that is free of trends, does not back away from controversy, and will not be put in a straitjacket. Initially defined by male clichés of having football on their minds, this group of men are going to explore “becoming a woman”. Each one is going to “find his woman” like you’d say “find his clown”, sums up the choreographer, in short they will be inventing their female double. Thierry Smits is keen on the search for a body, certainly an imaginary one, but with a very real otherness, and guides the dancers on this journey about reconsidering their mobility, “finding their tone and endurance in other places”, working as much on power as on abandonment. In short “leaving behind an ideal of power to head towards an aesthetical value, rejecting war in favour of art”.

Sat. 06.04.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries