Stream Dream

Julie Bougard

Creation 2020 — YOUNG AUDIENCES AGED 10 AND OVER — Initiation tale for 3 dancers

Chorégraphie : Julie Bougard : Fanny Brouyaux, Denis Robert, Daan Jaartsveld Compositeur : Laurent Delforge
Création costume : Silvia Hasenclever
Scénographie : Julie Bougard
Construction : Peter Maschke
Création lumière : Fréderic Nicaise, John Cooper d’après une proposition de Maria Dermitzaki
Création image 3D: Romain Tardy
Régie générale : Baptiste Wattier, Gaspar Schelck
Dramaturgie : Jean-Michel Frère
Visuels © Romain Tardy

Production : Turba asbl
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Mars – Mons arts de la scène, CCNT – CCN de Tours
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, Wallonie-Bruxelles International, Centre culturel Jacques Franck, SACD, La Fabrique de Théâtre, Grand Studio, Pierre de Lune – Centre Scénique Jeunes Publics de Bruxelles, Numediart – UMons, HEAJ – Haute École Albert Jacquard – Infographie, Studio Thor

Julie Bougard est accompagnée par Grand Studio

Création août 2021, Rencontres du Théâtre Jeune Public, Huy

Les représentations à Bruxelles sont une co-présentation Pierre de Lune et Charleroi danse

Since training in Brussels and London, Julie Bougard (Mons, 1972) has worked with the likes of Joanne Leighton, Alain Platel, Thierry Smits and Sasha Waltz, and since 2013 has collaborated with Thomas Lebrun at the CCN de Tours. A pioneering researcher, she has been producing her own creations for more than twenty years, championing dance as “the art of all possibilities”.

Taking the omnipresence of screens in the lives of children and teenagers, Julie Bougard does not make it the subject or reject it, but instead turns it into the vector of a narrative that is both unusual and familiar. It all starts by conjuring up the original pixels in video games on an almost cellular basis. This is followed by stylised characters, their 3D avatars, revealing the trio of Fanny Brouyaux, Daan Jaartsveld and Denis Robert and their interactions and breakaways. From the virtual to the living, the choreographer jostles codes together and, rather than representation, prefers playful suggestion, enriching it all with light and sound. Superpowers, metamorphoses and clumsiness structure Stream Dream by bringing humans face to face with the treasures of the imagination that are deployed to inhabit reality.

Wed. 24.11.2021
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
Wed. 24.11.2021
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie