Piece for 14 women and men dancers


Cie Carte Blanche / François Chaignaud

[ Complete ]

Conception, chorégraphie : François Chaignaud
Danseurs – Compagnie Carte Blanche : Ole Martin Meland, Mathias Stoltenberg, Caroline Eckly, Dawid Lorenc, Aslak Aune Nygård, Daniel Mariblanca, Adrian Bartczak, Irene Vesterhus Theisen, Anne Lise Rønne, Noam Eidelman Shatil,Max Makowski, Lin Van Kaam, Nadege Kubwayo, Tilly Sordat
Costumes : Romain Brau
Scénographie : Romain Brau
Création lumière : Abigail Fowler
Musique, création sonore : Jostein Gundersen
Coaching vocal : Rikke Lina Sorrell Mathiessen

Production : Carte Blanche – Compagnie Nationale de danse contemporaine de Norvège / direction artistique Annabelle Bonnéry
Coproduction : Bergen International Festival 2018

Création mai 2018, Studio Bergen

Une co-présentation PBA et Charleroi danse qui s’inscrit dans le réseau Tour de Dance.

Following Romances inciertos, un autre Orlando with Nino Laisné, François Chaignaud has created two pieces based
on vocal repertoires of the Middle Ages, one of which is Soufflette with Carte Blanche,
the Norwegian national company of contemporary dance. At the start there are just still lives, inanimate paintings of flesh exhibited against a pitch-black background. Emanating from it is the sound of ethereal voices, murmurs without origin of songs or prayers. A primitive tribe emerges from this initial singing, striking the floor with their feet in a rhythmic ritual, making Bob Marley sing in the manner of sacred 12th and 13th-century polyphonies. From processions in rounds to languorous slow numbers, from free dances to wild sarabands, the orchestra-chorus- corps de ballet remove their heavy rags to
be cloaked in the semi-naked innocence of hybrid beings, in which genders – male and female, like the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms – merge. A love song to desire, to the beauty of bodies, beings and nature, with the slowness, fluidity and mastery
of a gesture from the far east, Soufflette choreographs bouquets of flesh in full bloom – just before the end.

Wed. 26.01.2022
Charleroi - Le PBA