Piece for 5 dancers


Félicette Chazerand

Creation / Premiere / Every ages from 10

Concept et mise en espace : Félicette Chazerand
Interprétation et écriture : Zuriñe Benavente,Anne-Cécile Chane-Tune, Jérôme D’Orso, Milton Paulo, Giulia Piana
Collaboratrice artistique :Mira Vanden Bosch
Musiques : Olivier Thomas
Costumes : Line De Munnynck
Lumières : Jean Jacques Deneumoustier, Nixon Fernandez

Production : Parcours asbl
Coproduction : Charleroi danse
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, La Marlagne – Centre culturel Marcel Hicter, La Manufacture d’Aurillac, Le Jacques Franck, Destelheide

La compagnie Félicette Chazerand bénéficie d’un hébergement administratif à Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie

All the way from pagan rituals to Nijinski’s graphic obsessions by way of a hip-hop battle, the shape of the circle is fundamental in the history of dance. It traditionally accompanies the seasons as key moments in life and the whole of humanity. The dynamic proposed by the round abolishes any break and is presented as a wonderful exercise in sharing the space and energy.
Félicette Chazerand, who has always been skilled at creating dance that is accessible to everyone, tackles the richness of its twists and turns. Five dancers form the core of a choreographic fresco that blends reworked references of rhythms belonging to “trad” dance with a more contemporary vision of the farandole.
For the choreographer, once again it is about translating the universality of these dances over time and across cultures, and finding an expression outside time by coming together and entering into contact with the cosmos. The highly contagious movements will be shared with the audience at the end of the performance.

Wed. 23.10.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries