
Palimpseste Solo/Duo

Michèle Noiret

Conception et Chorégraphie : Michèle Noiret
Créé et interprété par : Michèle Noiret & David Drouard
Collaboration artistique : Dominique Duszynski
Assistanat : Marielle Morales
Musique : Tierkreis pour clarinette et piano de Karlheinz Stockhausen, enregistrement interprété par Majella Stockhausen et Suzanne Stephen
Scénographie : Xavier Lauwers, Michèle Noiret
Lumières et Régies : Xavier Lauwers
Direction technique : Christian Halkin

Production : Compagnie Michèle Noiret/Tandem asbl
Soutien : Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la Danse

Palimpseste follows on from Michèle Noiret’s earlier works, reflecting the same rigour in her writing and her interest in contemporary music. Its starting point was the score of Tierkreis by Karlheinz Stockhausen, providing the backbone as it were for a first solo. Then, like medieval manuscripts that are scraped off and covered again, she picks up the work and offers an “enhanced” version of it. She subsequently invited another dancer along and the solo became a duet. It is this lengthy development that literally comes to defend Michèle Noiret on stage as she performs a composition with intelligence and spirit. The twelve short melodies in the German musician’s score run through the two pieces performed back to back. To the rigour of a subtly carved out dance, she adds a face-to-face encounter with the audience, a very personal way of addressing each spectator that creates a close bond between them. The Noiret method at its best.

Fri. 04.05.2018
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Sat. 05.05.2018
Charleroi - Les Écuries