Solo de Robyn Orlin avec et pour James Carlès

I am not a sub-culture, rather a gallery of self portraits with a history walking in circles

Robyn Orlin & James Carlès

Belgian Premiere

Chorégraphie : Robyn Orlin

Interprète : James Carlès

Prises de vues : James Carlès, Sasso Pierre

Montage vidéo : Sasso Pierre

Lumières et régie : Arnaud Schulz

Coproduction : APCA – Cie James Carlès, CDC Toulouse/Midi-Pyrénées, CN D – Centre national de la danse, CNDC Angers, L’Astrada Marciac

APCA – Cie James Carlès est soutenue par la DRAC Occitanie, la Ville de Toulouse, le Conseil régional Midi-Pyrénées, le Conseil général de la Haute-Garonne, Adami – société des artistes-interprètes

Based on the adventure of coupé-décalé and the story of James Carlès, South African choreographer Robyn Orlin has produceda solo for a remarkable dancer, a devoted researcher into the emergence of choreographic expressions by the Africandiaspora in the West. Based on coupé-décalé movements, a combination of Congolese rumba, hip hop and Caribbean music that appeared in Paris at the turn of the century, somewhere between fiction and reality this piece deals with the combination of humour and humanity that makes up any personal story taking place across several continents. Mirroring society, history and political challenges, this dance mostly joyfully reveals the dramas of the colourful line running through Euro

Sat. 11.11.2017
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie