Room for 5 children and 5 adults


Joke Laureyns & Kwint Manshoven / Kabinet K

All ages 7 +

Chorégraphie : Joke Laureyns, Kwint Manshoven
Danseurs : Jacob Ingram-Dodd/Migueldo Vale, Evelyne Rossie/Louise Tanoto, Kwint Manshoven, Jitte Schoukens, Mona De Broe, Lio Maelfeyt, Judith Ginvert, Lilia Zemni, Suza De Gryse/Louisa Vermeire et autres
Musique originale, performance sur scène : Thomas Devos, Bertel Schollaert ,Dirk De Hooghe, Kwint Manshoven
Conception lumière : Dirk De Hooghe
Costumes : Elise Goedgezelschap
Dramaturgie : Mieke Versyp
Direction de production : Famke Dhont
Régie technique : Dirk De Hooghe, Lorin Duquesne, Karel Marynisse

Production : kabinet k & hetpaleis
Coproduction : TAKT & STUK
Soutien : Communauté flamande, Ville de Gand

Joke Laureyns and Kwint Manshoven,
the two choreographers in kabinet k, concentrate on dance performances that combine professional dancers and children.
Their gestures are literally born from the young dancers’ choreographic inventiveness and take as their starting point everyday actions and little gestures combined with games.

Horses is a work based on complete trust between adults and children. The dancers
are seeking a symbiosis, a particular understanding by the body in a duet, like
a rider and his mount, but also in group
Horses is about wanting to be grown
up and wanting to remain a child, about power and vulnerability, about probing before surrender and the search for who’s pulling the strings.
Horses is a show in which little ones and tall ones meet, sharing avidity, a sense of wonder and above all unshakeable trust in each other. For audiences aged 7 to 77.


Bord de scène avec les artistes à l’issue de la représentation du 29 avril

Wed. 29.01.2020
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
Wed. 29.01.2020
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie
young audiences
+ Wed. 29.04.2020
Charleroi - Les Écuries
young audiences