Piece for 2 dancers


Florencia Demestri & Samuel Lefeuvre

Creation / Premiere

Concept chorégraphie et interprétation : Florencia Demestri et Samuel Lefeuvre
Création lumière : Nicolas Olivier
Création sonore : Raphaëlle Latini
Scénographie : François Bodeux
Régie lumière : Aurélie Perret
Dramaturgie : Emmanuelle Nizou
Assistante dramaturge : Jill De Muelenaere
Collaboration visuelle : Laetitia Bica
Costumes : Vanessa Pinto
Production et distribution : France Morin & Jill De Muelenaere | Arts Management Agency (AMA)

Production : LOG asbl
Production déléguée : Vaisseau asbl
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Les Brigittines, La Place de la Danse -Centre de développement chorégraphique national Toulouse-Occitanie (dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil-Studio), L’Atelier de Paris – Centre de développement chorégraphique national, Centre chorégraphique National d’Orléans – Direction Maud Le Pladec, Theater Freiburg, La Coop asbl, Shelter Prod, Tanz Ist, MARS-Mons Arts de la Scène, Co-Festival, Co-Festival Ljubljana (Kino Siska & Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija)

Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles- service de la danse, de Wallonie-Bruxelles International, taxshelter.be, ING et du tax-shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge
Aide : Grand Studio, DeVIR/CAPa Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve Faro

Photo © Laetitia Bica

In computer language, a glitch means a fault or brief interruption in
a system’s operational flow. This dysfunction in the reading of a file produces visual or sound accidents, aesthetic aberrations. “It’s the primal scream of data” as glitch art theorist Rosa Menkman puts it. It’s not surprising that the phenomenon has appealed to Florencia Demestri and Samuel Lefeuvre,
two choreographers who place the notion of strangeness at the heart of their work. Since 2012, they have been creating hybrid pieces together using non-linear narrative processes that leave considerable scope for games of meaning and intense physicality. Now omnipresent technology, but cinema and video games too feed our imagination and change our perception of reality. The two artists draw inspiration from these influences and use glitch artists’ tools to undertake new research: how, beyond a possible resolution, can we move towards the unforeseeable, the accidental, the unexpected? GLITCH: hyper-real, futuristic, organic and synthetic dance.

Thu. 17.10.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Fri. 18.10.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries