Piece for 4 popular figures

De tête en cape

Balkis Moutashar

Belgian premiere / Young audiences aged 5 or over

Chorégraphie : Balkis Moutashar
Interprétation : Sonia Darbois,Maxime Guillon-Roi-Sans-Sac
Costumes : Christian Burle
Création sonore : Géraldine Foucault, Pierre Damien Crosson
Création lumière : Samuel Dosière
Scénographie : Claudine Bertomeu

Production : Association Kakemono
Coproduction : Ballet National de Marseille, Compagnie Système Castafiore, la fabrique Mimont
Soutien : Régie Culturelle Scènes et Cinés, KLAP Maison pour la danse – Kelemenis & cie
Aide : DRAC Provence-Alpes- Côte-d’Azur, Région Sud, Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, Ville de Marseille

With delight, humour and joy, De tête en cape plunges us into a world affected by dressing up. With croaks and grunts, the frog hops and the bear walks heavily until they meet. Little by little the bear starts to hop on its paws, which are now smaller, and the frog shakes its head full of bristles. Things become even more complicated
when Superman suddenly appears, followed by a princess in a crinoline dress.
Starting from these four characters, decompositions, combinations and recompositions of gestures and costumes offer an increasingly undefined assortment of moving creatures. From the princess with a bear’s muzzle to the bear dressed as a ballerina, who is who and who is what?
In De tête en cape, Marseille-based choreographer Balkis Moutashar upsets identities in a fantastical, surrealist and transformist ballet, reconnecting with all kinds of imaginary worlds to better combat the conditions that are imposed.

Sat. 14.12.2019
Charleroi - Les Écuries
young audiences