

Ashley Bathgate, Lorenzo De Angelis & Thomas Beni


Conception : Ashley Bathgate et Lorenzo De Angelis
Danse et chorégraphie : Lorenzo De Angelis
Violoncelle et musiques : Ashley Bathgate
Musiques : Philip Glass – selections from Songs and Poems, Michael Gordon – Light is Calling, Jacob Cooper – Arches

Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Ars Musica

Présenté à l’occasion du festival Ars Musica

The Ars Musica festival has dreamed up an interaction between the choreographer Lorenzo De Angelis and the cellist Ashley Bathgate to produce a unique experience. “Not so much a creation or a production as an encounter,” explains Lorenzo De Angelis. The choreographer suggested that the musician select two pieces as a diptych, mirroring one another even, centred on a feeling, a problem or a subject of her choice. “I’m going to be abandoning myself to an exercise of bringing this musical moment to the stage,” he continues, fascinated by the challenge it presents. “It will be like the chef’s surprise: what this encounter is going to produce as an accidental form.” It is a way of working that really appeals to this artist, a dancer, choreographer, performer and actor in one.

It will therefore be about the impact (“being propelled towards one another and seeing the form it takes”) but also the very experience of the music, what it provokes in the body when it is played and when you hear it

Wed. 21.11.2018
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie