Marian del Valle + Marion Sage

sur invitation

The “preview” residences are designed to offer artists the optimum conditions to put the finishing touches to their new creations. This support comes in the form of a technical residence that enables a show to be finalised as well as assistance with the dissemination of their work. The residence ends with an invitation to professionals to encourage exchanges and raise the profile of the creators’ work.This year, we are using this display window to invite artists whose premieres were scheduled for the LEGS festival in 2020 but have now been postponed until March-April 2021.

Danses en dormance / Marian del Valle (ES/BE)

Dancer, choreographer and holder of a doctorate in the art of dance, Marian del Valle works on notions of writing, history and physical memory. In Danses en dormance she offers an autobiographical performance composed of short pieces, reminiscences of gestures, personalities and motifs from the history of dance.

Chorégraphie, textes, danse : Marian del Valle
Piano : Nathalie Alessi
Musique : Maurice Ravel, Luciano Berio, Alexander Scriabin
Scénographie, costumes : Marian del Valle
Regard extérieur : Antia Diaz
Production : Andanada asbl
Coproduction : Charleroi danse, centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, La Bellone

Grand Tétras / Marion Sage (FR/BE)

A graduate of the masters in dance at the University of Paris 8 and author of a dissertation entitled Critiques of dances and critical dances in 1930s France, Marion Sage is interested in the links between history and dance, with a particular focus on critical and political adventures. Her first solo Grand Tétras is a poetic and metaphorical evocation of her research and of the figure of Jean Weidt, a dancer, worker and political exile.

Création et interprétation : Marion Sage
Création sonore : Anne Lepère
Création lumière : Estelle Gautier
Réalisation du Tétras : Marilyne Grimmer
Réalisation du Perchoir : Marine Brosse
Accompagnements dans la recherche sur le mouvement : Florence Casanave, Louise Chardon, Christine Gabard et Anja Röttgerkamp
Regards dramaturgiques : Anna Muchin, Maud Pizon et Marie Pons
Photographies et captation : Zoé Tabourdiot
production : Entropie Production
coproduction : Le Vivat, scène conventionnée d’Armentières, Charleroi Danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, Le Ballet du Nord – CCN de Roubaix Hauts-de-France.
avec le soutien de : la DRAC Hauts-de-Francela Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Thu. 15.10.2020
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie