Solo for a dancer


Aurélien Bory & Shantala Shivalingappa

Belgian premiere

Avec : Shantala Shivalingappa et Loïc Schild (percussions)
Conception, scénographie, mise en scène : Aurélien Bory
Chorégraphie : Shantala Shivalingappa
Collaboration artistique : Taïcyr Fadel
Création lumière : Arno Veyrat assisté de Mallory Duhamel
Composition musicale : Joan Cambon
Conception technique décor : Pierre Dequivre, Stéphane Chipeaux-Dardé
Costumes : Manuela Agnesini avec l’aide précieuse de Nathalie Trouvé
Régie générale : Thomas Dupeyron
Régie plateau :Robin Jouanneau
Régie son : Stéphane Ley
Régie lumière : Mallory Duhamel

Directrice des productions : Florence Meurisse
Administrateur : Clément Séguier-Faucher
Chargé de production : Justine Cailliau Konkoj
Production : Compagnie 111 – Aurélien Bory
Coproduction : ThéâtredelaCité – CDN Toulouse Occitanie, Festival Montpellier Danse 2018, Agora – PNAC Boulazac Aquitaine, La Scala Paris, L’Onde Théâtre Centre d’Art
Participation artistique : ENSATT Lyon
Accueil studio, résidences : La nouvelle Digue – Toulouse, ThéâtredelaCité – CDN Toulouse Occitanie
Soutien : DRAC Occitanie, Région Occitanie / Pyrénées- Méditerranée, Mairie de Toulouse, Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Garonne, Institut Français

After studying physics, architectural acoustics and circus arts, Aurélien Bory became interested in the relationship between bodies and the moving space.

With his Compagnie 111, he has created more than a dozen pieces that have all been successes on the international scene. He also runs several projects in collaboration with artists from different backgrounds. In Shantala Shivalingappa, Aurélien Bory has found Shiva, the Hindu god of dance, a god too of carnage who destroys as much as he rebuilds. In this performer of kuchipudi, a traditional style from southern India, he recognises one of the female incarnations of the choreographic art to which he has been dedicating portraits on stage for ten years. “She was born surrounded by dance” dreams the director who makes
her crackle like a black flame in a landscape of darkness, crumpled paper and ash.

At each moment and in each gesture, Shantala’s dance is about life and death, epiphany, disappearance and traces,
all inextricably combined.

Fri. 31.01.2020
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Sat. 01.02.2020
Charleroi - Les Écuries