Piece for 3 dancers et 1 musician


Caroline Cornélis

Young audience 6+

Conception, chorégraphie : Caroline Cornélis
Assistante : Marielle Morales
Création, interprétation : Julien Carlier, Colin Jolet, Agathe Thévenot, Tom Malmendier
Direction musicale : Claire Goldfarb
Regard dramaturgique : Isabelle Dumont
Création lumière : Frédéric Vannes
Scénographie : Anne Mortiaux
Costumes : Aline Breucker
Compagnonnage philosophique : Gilles Abel
Diffusion, accompagnement : Ad Lib – Anna Giolo
Visuels © Jean Poucet

Production : Compagnie Nyash
Coproduction : Charleroi danse
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre de la Montagne Lagique, Les Chiroux – Centre culturel de Liège, Théâtre de Namur
Caroline Cornélis est accompagnée par Ad Lib
Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre de la Montagne Lagique, Les Chiroux – Centre culturel de Liège, Théâtre de Namur

Caroline Cornélis est accompagnée par Ad Lib

Création mai 2018, Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie, Mini D festival, Bruxelles

Coming into dance through the classical route, Caroline Cornélis is a pure product of contemporary dance in Belgium. Since her first commission – a piece for very young children – she has stuck with young audiences and has a body of work to prove it. The success of Stoel, a joyous dialogue between bodies, objects and very graphical movement, reinforces her desire to keep sharing that wonderful period of playing: break time. A time for relaxation but one that is strictly defined and heavily codified without there being any codes. Along with Julien Carlier, Colin Jolet and Agathe Thévenot,the choreographer observed the behaviour and movement of groups and individualsin classes and school lessons to compose dizzying and tender material that is not without cruelty, underlined by the percussion of Tom Malmendier. 10:10 turns dance into the language of the everyday body, of the fantasy held within it, the strong emotions of kids in the playground.

Wed. 16.06.2021
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Wed. 16.06.2021
Charleroi - Les Écuries
Thu. 17.06.2021
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