

Silvia Pezzarossi & Natalia Vallebona

DIVE & DYNAMITE dance workshop is the artistic and pedagogical encounter between two different but complementary movement approaches: improvisation process with a physical, sensorial and creative warm-up.
(Dive by Silvia Pezzarossi) and choreographic material focused on floor work and tricks (Dynamite by Natalia Vallebona).

Once in possession of both practices, the goal of the dancer will be to know how to blend them and make the most of them in order to be free to improvise and compose his/her own choreographic language.

The performer is invited to adapt the compositional material to a specific creative need, to cohabit with the group and to re-elaborate the proposed language to create a personal synthesis.

Creative cleverness between technical and improvisational quality.



29.11 > 03.12 - 10:30 > 15:30
Bruxelles - La Raffinerie

These training programmes are designed for professional dancers.
Each application will be considered in this context.

To register, you can send an email to

Workshop 100€